The Gemer-based NGO organised its second official conference, this time in Lučenec.
The event was attended mainly by active local residents who are holding the post of mayor in their municipality for the first time since the October elections.
The conference entitled "Inclusion at the local level" was held in the Old Town Hall of Lučenec, which underwent a complete reconstruction in 2017. Workshops, lectures and training sessions awaited those who decided to join us at the impressive Great Hall.
In his opening speech, Ábel Ravasz also pointed out that such professional conferences can be exceptionally useful for newly elected mayors - especially considering that municipalities will be exposed to extreme pressure in the coming years.
The observations of Mr. Gábor Mihálya, mayor of Jesenské, who also provided training for the other mayors present, were particularly valuable. Mr. Mihályi focused mainly on the topics that municipal representatives should pay attention to, especially at the beginning of the election period. After the lunch break, non-governmental organizations from the Gemer and Novohrad regions also presented possible ways of improving coexistence and integration of marginalized communities at the local level.
The activities of the Projekt Dom.ov organization, represented by Mr. Petr Jendrál, are focused on improving living conditions in communities through self-help construction of legal houses with microloans.
V záverečnej prezentácii predstavil svoje úspešné metódy a nástroje integrácie hlavný partner projektu LDI02024 Centrá obnovy Gemera, nezisková organizácia Obnovme Gemer. Súčasne boli prezentované aj možnosti rozvoja spolupráce s ostatnými obcami regiónov Gemer a Novohrad predstavil jej riaditeľ Anton Fabo.
Program konferencie z Lučenca si môžete prečítať nižšie. Taktiež pozrite si parádne aftervideo z podujatia z dielne kameramana Csongora Bartóka. (Viac fotiek tu.)
Podporené Nórskom prostredníctvom Nórskych grantov. Spolufinancované zo štátneho rozpočtu Slovenskej republiky.
"Supported by Norway through the Norway Grants. Co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic."
Obnovme Gemer, n.o.
📫 Rakytník 15, 980 21 Bátka
☎️ +421 911 803 419